Don’t Fall on Your Face
This week’s chabura and explored falling on one’s face in prayer. איסור השתחויה על רצפת אבנים 1) Is there any…
This week’s chabura and explored falling on one’s face in prayer. איסור השתחויה על רצפת אבנים 1) Is there any…
This week’s chabura and explored why we no longer have birchas kohanim outside of Eretz Yisroel. 1) Why don’t we…
This week’s guest speaker was Rabbi Yerachmiel Field – and explored the practical aspects of taking a shower on yom…
This week’s guest speaker was Rabbi Eli Reisman – Rosh Chabura in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Rav in Edison New…
This week’s topic explores why acapella music is not just acapella. 1) Why doesn’t the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berura…
This week’s topic explores shopping for chometz after pesach at big box retailers and local supermarkets. 1) How do the…
This week’s topic explores how to drink responsibly on purim. What is the shiur of עד דלא ידע Why did…
This week’s topic explores how to determine the correct arm on which to place Tefillin. מראי מקומות DOWNLOAD PDF
This week’s topic explored the permissibility of davening from a phone and was delivered by guest speaker Rabbi Yerachmiel Field.…
This week’s topic explores the topic of wearing the tefillin of Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam. טוב שנים יותר מן האחד?…